Monday, May 26, 2008

Hillary Clinton just a nobody?

I generally do not get involved in political debate, partly because I don't thoroughly educate myself on the isssues and all the candidates. And I can admit, the information I absorb is from mainstream media, like the majority of people in this country, which is highly biased and short in context. But I do some research, reflect on what's important to me and then cast my vote on election day.

An example of one such article from mainstream media caught my eye this morning. Max and I were sitting together at the computer while I was reading an article. All of a sudden, Max started pointing at the photo accompanying the article, "Mommy! Daddy! Mommy!" I replied, "Oh no honey, that's just nobody." Whoops! Sad, but perhaps true?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings from your politically nerdly friend! I'm having sort of a long tortured break-up with Hillary. I hope we can still be friends but she keeps calling and leaving weird messages on my machine.