For whatever reason, Cate really doesn't care for the sporks. Every night she begs to bring a spoon from home. I keep telling her that using a spork is a time-honored tradition in the history of eating lunch at school. In fact, the morning I went with her to the cafeteria to pick up lunch, I got to see the spork in all its "for-commercial-use" glory. I swear the silverware packet is still from the original bulk order shipped circa 1980-something.
Who's the spork dork now?
Got any spork memories you'd like to share?
Hmm -- I think my first spork experience was at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Ever tried getting all of the mashed potatoes out of a styrofoam container using a spork?
I LOVE KFC mashed potatoes with gravy. It's a red light food for me still to this day.
Somehow, I have never had a problem with a spork and mashed potatoes. And when the spork failed me, I would take my finger and clean up the sides.
I love the sound of plastic on styrofoam.
Ahh, see, I hate the sound of plastic on styrofoam. :)
I was discouraged from using my fingers.
How are you on fingernails on chalkboard?
I agree....It was KFC to have the first one and I think it goes back further then 1980's.
Jennifer thank you for asking me to pray for your aunt. Keep me posted?
As I recall (it's been years), the mashed potatoes are the only edible entity you can get at KFC. I'm sure that the "years" comment might be more specific if I were to say, back in grad school days, and early grad school at that, say 1967. There was another student in our group, Noah Jacobson, from Oklahoma, who bought fried chicken livers every time we went to Col. Chicken. He left after one semester, back to Oklahoma where you can get the best fried chicken livers in the world.
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