Monday, December 15, 2008

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

I can finally cross a few projects off the list. This weekend we cleaned our house, decorated for Christmas and got our family photo taken for the Christmas card. Now maybe I can get going on my shopping list. Christmas is a little more than a week from now and I have only three gifts--and that covers only two people! Oh boy...

The kids were very excited to see the tree up with the lights on. While I am a fan of white lights, I lost that debate two years ago when little Cate formed an opinion and sided with Kyle in his desire to have colored lights. Oh well, it was a good run.

Cate and Max helped put decorations on for a while... Their contributions yielded typical result--all of the ornaments they hung were in close proximity of each other and on the tips of the lowest branches on the tree. It was cute, but not really. Thankfully, they eventually tired of the whole decorating thing, so I made a few adjustments.

Here is the end result...
Kyle made the observation that the kids have so many ornaments that perhaps next year they can have their own tree downstairs. Maybe then I can get my white lights back. And I promise to resist modifying any of the kids' decorating. Who knows? It could happen...


kathall said...

what a spectacular sight. it's very pretty (even with the colored lights). At least you let your children do the initial hanging and then you move them. i just end up telling them where to put them!

Unknown said...

the tree looks great - ESPECIALLY with the colored lights!