Sunday, May 24, 2009

The kids get a haircut

I have to say I am SO relieved that our kids actually look forward to getting their hair cut. We take them to Kids' Hair which , obviously by the name, caters solely on kids' haircuts.

Since it was a light evening in the shop, the stylist provided a little extra pizzazz to the final style for both kids. Cate got gold glitter hairspray with a purple srtipe down one section of her locks. Max got his front gelled up and sprayed with silver glitter and blue tips.

Max couldn't wait to check his newly coiffed hair out at home. Once he saw himself in the hand mirror I gave him, he sighed satisfactorily, "I look SO pretty!"

Very mch worth the $16.50 haircut charge.


Colleen via Cate said...

Max is Mr. Cool!

Jensens6021 said...

okay, now that I look at this picture, he looks kind of scary....

kathall said...

oh man...i gotta take nolan there. he would love that look!