Friday, December 18, 2009

Student of the Month-Grade 1

Catherine was recognized as a Student of the Month at school this morning. By the end of the year, all students will be a Student of the Month. This month, each teacher chose to recognize students who demonstrated exemplary responsibility in the classroom.

Catherine was glowing with pride.

I'm pretty sure she had the largest number of supporters at the assembly: me, Max, Aunt Jo, Grandma Katie, Grandpa Ken, Grandma LaVonne. Max totally enjoyed the music program and the applause for the students as their names were called. Apparently, at one point, he asked Grandma Katie why I wasn't clapping, so I ended up joining in on the fun.
My camera's battery crapped out on me (again!) and so these are from my phone.

1 comment:

Cate said...

Well done, Catherine!! We're very proud of you. Have a wonderful time with in Florida and a Merry Christmas!