Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cate Turned Seven!

We crammed in a whole lot of celebrating into one day as Cate turned seven a couple weeks ago. In the afternoon, four classmates, three cousins and one brother designed their own pencil boxes at Michael's Arts and Crafts. It was a great set-up...all we had to do was pick out the project, pull together the supplies, bring the cake and voila! The rest of the time was taken care of by the project coordinator.
In the evening, we hosted the grandparents, godparents and a surprise guest--Michael and Kristine's grandson, Anthony (5-1/2) who is one of Cate's buddies (and apparently first crush?). Cate's dinner request flattered her grandmas--she asked for Grandma LaVonne's homemade chicken noodle soup and Grandma Katie brought freshly baked bread. Yummy!

She received a lot of lovely gifts and we've been slowly working on getting the thank you notes out.

One especially memorable moment occurred at the end of the evening. As Kristine and Anthony were preparing to leave, Anthony grabbed Cate's hand and took her to her room for a moment. I stood in the hallway to look into the room, but they were in the blind spot so I couldn't see what they were doing. However, as they both turned to come out of the room, I could see both of them swipe their mouths with the back of their hand. That must have been one really special moment!

I told Kristine the next day that when they have their next sleepover, they need to sleep in separate tents. Too young, I say....too young!

Getting the boxes started

Look ma! I can paint without watching

Picking out stickers for the finishing touches

Star Wars Monopoly was a hit!
Enjoying birthday cake
Opening gifts
All ready for Mass on her birthday

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