Friday, June 18, 2010

Bible School Program

Last night Cate and Max participated in the evening Bible School program performance. As you can imagine, it's a review of what the kids have been learning throughout the week and showing off their newly learned Jesus songs. In addition to the entire group singing a song, each age group were featured. This being Max's first year, I'd say he did pretty well. Cate was super awesome. Not only was she doing all of the motions, her lips were actively moving and it appeared she was singing the correct words! Woot!

It was a special surprise for the kids to see Colleen (and her dad) Coleman was in the audience. The three traipsed off together after the program to seize a well-deserved ice cream treat. Sadly, the weather was a bit ominous, so they weren't able to enjoy the jumpy-castle.

you can see Cate in the large group, Max is hidden but standing next to her

Max (on left end with stripe shirt) and his orange group

Cate is front left...actually doing the motions...and her green group

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