Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cate's First Day of School

What parent has to wake up their kindergartner on his/her first day of school? Well, I did. But once she finally wiped the sleep from her eyes, she was so excited to get going. I barely could keep her still enough to take the traditional photo in front of the house for the first day of school. As you can see, she forced the smile and wouldn't let me have a re-take. She said through her smiling teeth, "C'mon Mom! I just want to go to school!"

(for the record, she chose her own outfit)

Kyle and Max joined us on our two-and-a-half block walk to school. On our way there Cate told a lady who was walking the opposite direction that it was her first day of school. So we chatted it up a bit and got back to our walk.

Once we got to school, we were greeted by Cate's teacher who remembered her name. I'm always impressed when people can remember names after only one introduction. We helped her hang up her coat, backpack and put her lunch bag with the others. Cate wandered around the classroom and just stopped in the middle of the circle area looking quite overwhelmed. We went over to her, said our good-byes and walked her to her chair where a book was waiting for her.

Most days, after her school day is done, she will go to the after-school program in the same building. Thursday was an after-school program day. I left work early so I could be there in plenty of time. I checked in and Cate was ready to go. We walked out of the building, she grabbed my hand and I asked her how her first day of school went. Her response, "It was GREAT!" which was accompanied with a very enthusiastic thumbs up. I had no problem getting a very chatty report from her all the way home. I don't think I could've had a bigger grin on my face.

(Cate's "Who's Who" Photo for a student handbook project--her first homework assignment)


kathall said...

Ah, what a wonderful day! I smile just reading about it. Don't forget to check the backpack for homework every never know what you might find in there!

-jj said...

It's the first thing I go for!