Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Litany, backfired

With every grandchild, my mom has had a little "thing" going. When she would ask, "Whose boy / girl are you?" The grandchild would brightly answer, "Grandma's boy!" or "Grandma's girl!"

With Max, a litany has begun. After Grandma would ask, "Whose boy are you?" Max would brightly answer, "Grandma's boy!" Then his godmother, Aunt Jo wanted a piece of the action, so she added, "Max, whose guy are you?" He would brightly answer, "Aunt Jo's guy!" Obviously as the mother of this adorable child, I couldn't be ignored, so I added, "But Max, who loves you?" He brightly answers, "Momma loves me." And we stop there.

This morning we went through the litany. I decided coming off a bad end to the work week, I would add a little twist to get a little reinforcement and to feel the love from my young one.

Momma: Max, whose boy are you?
Max: Grandma's boy!
Momma: Max, whose guy are you?
Max: Aunt Jo's guy!
Momma: Max, who loves you?
Max: Momma!
Momma: So Max...who do you love? (insert self-gratuitous smile and batting of eyelashes toward young, adorable and loyal boy)
Max: Daddy!

Needless to say, Kyle was laying there and did his best to stifle a "Nelson from the Simpsons" laugh.


carlito said...

ouch! But that's one of those things that kids do that is so cute... about 20 years later.

kathall said...

he's keeping the peace by not excluding anyone from the love. gotta give him credit for that!

Jessica said...

today Lila told me to get out of a room I wasn't even in .. but she could see me and I guess that was enough ...