Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Trick or Treaters

Catherine and Max's costume dreams came true this year. Catherine wanted to be a Paduan Jedi (see Star Wars reference here).
Max wanted to be Wall-e. We missed the mass-produced costumes by at least one Halloween season, so we ended up having to make it ourselves. It ended up turning out great!
Catherine made it six houses and said: "I'm done. I want to go home now." She got whammed with a fever. Max went along with Kyle for another couple of blocks. He took home more than enough candy for both kids.


Cate said...

Her pose is fabulous! I'm sorry she didn't get to enjoy the whole night. I hope she's feeling better.

Beyond the construction of a wall-e costume which is impressive in itself - I have to say that I think the face "dirt" was a great idea.

I tried to get my kids to guess what Max's costume was and I gave them these hints...
Yellow, claw hands and likes trash

They guessed garbage collector :)

Jessica said...

Great costumes. Adorable kids.

Jensens6021 said...

one adult thought Max was a coalminer!

kathall said...

your costumes kick butt! i'm sending my kids to your house next year, miss creative!!