Friday, October 30, 2009

Where'd all the money go?

Oh yes, to:

*the couple of Target runs for Target Clinic and prescriptions

*candy coffee everyday

*lunches and dinners

*Halloween costumes and treats

*back to Target again for new clothes because everything else falls in one of two buckets:

1) everything is dirty or

2) nothing fits

*fill the gas tank because of the multiple Target runs

*birthday festivities and the many indulgences such as:

1) a day-trip to Duluth

2) buying birthday gifts for other October babies and buying a $17 doodle book for patient little 6-y/o shopping companion

3) a massage

4) dinner, drinks and dessert

5) a new scarf

6) going to a movie (with popcorn and soda, thankyouverymuch)

Hmm, yeah. Not cool.


kathall said...

i often wonder as i look at my credit card bill how i can rack up that much in one month! at least you know where yours went!

Carlito said...

now that you're detailing where all your money goes, maybe it'll help set a budget. Claire and I do that on occasion to help reset ourselves