Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to School and a New Adventure

Cate went back to school this week. It's nice she's still excited to get back to school. I can't remember when I started dreading the first day of school--I hope that day is still a long way off for Cate.

She saved her new favorite dress for the big day. It's a jumper that was made by fabric Grandma Jane brought from Alaska. The fabric has all sorts of different colored galoshes printed on a black-ground. Grandma Jane and Grandma Katie sewed up the dress and included a short ruffle hem. Cate certainly looked adorable.

The first days of school seem to be going well. Her "BFF" Bella is in her room and several new children because the other local community school was dissolved in June.

After school on Mondays, Cate will be taking her first tap / ballet class. She's been waffling whether she wanted to take dance class for a while and she finally piped up the day before the final registration open house was to be offered.

I think she is the only one in her class with no prior dance class experience, but for her first class, I thought she did pretty darn well picking up on terms and positions.

She looks darling, if I do say so myself.

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